C.R.E.A.T.E! aims to provide its services to all whose mental health needs are within the expertise, knowledge and ability of its staff. C.R.E.A.T.E! is committed to a policy of inclusivity and is making changes to the Castle towards that end. Until these changes are complete, reason accomendations will be made to service disabled clients in home or at an accessible facility. Please return for updates on the progress of our goal of inclusivity.
Plan for Inclusivity
A Vision of Inclusivity
From the start, Steven Durost envisioned C.R.E.A.T.E! as a Castle accesible to all. He has aimed to grow the business and each step of the way to create renovations that would improve the building and the building’s accessibility. The plan has Three Phases.
Phase I
Restructing of the waiting room stairway to include an area for wheelchair lift, creating rooms on the middle floor, breaking through the ballroom wall and installing a set of French doors.
Phase II
Installing a wheelchair lift.
Phase III
Demolishing the bathroom and recreating it for wheelchair accesibility.
Return to this page for updates on the progress.
Summer Update 2015
We are currently getting a variance and permit to build the wheelchair ramp. Hopefully we can get it in before the ground freezes, but if not, then a Spring 2016 date of construction is the goal.
It has been a long journey to this point and we are excited about the possibilities.
Summer Update 2014
We continue to work to on the renovations to make the Castle more accessible to our clients.
The upstairs bathroom has been completed to allow us to plan for the renovations of the downstairs bathroom next. Research and fundraising continues for the installation of a wheelchair lift in the waiting room area.
The Center now offers reserved parking for clients with mobility needs that require parking at the entrance to the building. To reserve this parking for your appointment, you can either call the office at 625-0010 or let your counselor know, and we will post the reserved parking sign in the Center lot so that space will be available for you when you arrive for your appointment or meeting. in addition, the Center will work with clients who use wheelchairs for mobility to find mutually convenient times for sessions that need to take place on the first level. Winter 2012 Update Renovations on the second floor bathroom are almost completed which will be a respite for people while the downstairs bathroom is being renovated. There is still a lot to do to make this dream happen…but we are working on it and excited that one of the next steps towards inclusivity is being achieved.
Spring 2011 Update
CREATE! has been acquiring quotes for the wheelchair lift and looking for the best fit. One area distributor came in to look at the space. He is getting back to us on some options. Our carpenter is to give us quotes on the bathroom renovation work when he gets done his next job.
Grants are being looking into to help with the costs of the renovations and lift. Several plumber/contractors have been approached to do the renovations as a community service.
In addition, the Nikki LaBarge Memorial Fund is going to become a non-profit under which grants will be more available…that will take a while but the group heading that is very excited about what the non-profit will mean to providing more inclusive services. If you would like to help us make this part of our dream come true, please contact us at the number below.
Phase II
Phase II and III of the renovations are in the planning stages. Currently, C.R.E.A.T.E! is looking for pricing on wheelchair lifts, getting contractor estimates, and arranging funding. If you can help with any of these, please let us know. Phase I Phase I has been completed with a new stairwell put in the waiting area with a area mapped out for a wheelchair lift. The renovations will allow for people in wheelchairs to safely access three therapy rooms and the ballroom. C.R.E.A.T.E! is thrilled to have been able to take this step and thank Brandon Waite for doing such wonderful work.